UBIAI Coupon

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UBIAI Coupon - ✅ 100% Verified Deals June 2024

Easy to Use Text Annotation Tool | Upload documents in native PDF, CSV, Docx, html or ZIP format, start annotating, and create advanced NLP model in a few hours. Collaborate with other users to accelerate the document annotation process. Manage users, assign documents and track the annotation progress. UBIAI high quality OCR annotation allow you to label native PDFs and images directly and auto annotate your dataset in multiple language annotation such as English, French and Arabic. UBIAI let you auto annotate your dataset using dictionaries (word, sentence and Regex inputs) and ML model.With UBIAI's built-in machine learning model, you can train and deploy your custom model without any code. Our NLP labeling tool supports Amazon Comprehend, JSON, Spacy, IOB, and CoreNLP formats


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