Some Marketers Will Call This NEW AI Content Generator Magical Since It Gets Smarter and Smarter Every Time You Use It.

How Almost Any Content Creator Can Crank Out Content Seven Times Faster and write articles, social media posts, publish viral content and drive traffic at blistering speeds...


Hi, My name is Valentin, the lead developer of Viral Curation.

Among other things, I get to work side by side with Harlan Kilstein…

…Who once owned and published the Dogington Post and the Catington Post.

Using Viral Curation, Harlan grew the Dogington Post and Catington Post to worldwide fame.

And working next to Harlan, I discovered why he's one of the most prolific marketers of our time.

Using Viral Curation, Harlan pumped out more content than any other website owner in the industry.

And like Harlan.

You'll generate top quality content faster than ever before.

Without getting overwhelmed, without racking your brain and without wasting hours a day.


…If you were able to produce seven times more content each day (in less time than you spend now)...

...wouldn't that change your marketing efforts overnight.

You bet it would.

And with a few of Harlan's suggestions.

I've added even more features to make this the most valuable asset in your publishing arsenal.

You'll create content effortlessly.

Let me introduce you to Viral Curation, theONLYA.I. writing and publishing software that getssmarter every time you use it.


Every single time.

What Can You Expect From Viral Curation

Viral Curation gives you the abilty to write, distribute, publish, and find viral content, in one spot. Designed for bloggers, social media influencers, Facebook advertisers, copywriters and website owners.

…and so much more.

You see..

…a few years back you could post something on Facebook and 97% of your followers would see it.

But, Facebook slashed organic reach.

A post that could reach tens of thousands of users, were only seen by a pitiful few…

…Until Harlan's Dogington Post team found a glitch in Facebook.

They discovered when you share viral content.

Facebook will give you more credit and show it to more of your fans.

So he started using Viral Curation on the Catington Post and doubled his organic reach and then redoubled it again.

Listen…it's no secret that Facebook wants to dominate the web.

Facebook knows that people will stay glued to their pages if you give them viral content.

It's the same with Google.

Google boosts viral content in the search engine rankings.

And that means more visitors to your site, more advertising income, and more sales.

It's the Edge You Need…

…if you're fed up trying to feed the Google monster with 1,500 word articles.

And tired from hours spent hunched over your laptop.

And brain dead from racking your brain for fresh ideas.

And sick and tired of staring at a blank screen, hoping for inspiration.

When you see what Viral Curation can do for you or your business.

You'll be dazzled and amazed!

This breakthrough software you're about to discover is completely different.

It's a brand new way to create content.

And it's far more advanced than any other AI writer available.(Did you know that the leading A.I. software stopped its learning in 2019.)

That means if you try and write something about a recent event, the results will leave you fuming.

Put it this way.

It's not your fault your social media posts don't go viral.

And it's not your fault your blog post only attracts a few visitors.

Recently, Google released another SEO update called the "Google Helpful Update"

Other sites reported huge declines in traffic.

Viral Curation sites soared.

And by now, you know Facebook changes the rules every other week.

But Viral Curation keeps on building engagement in every niche.

If you're not using Viral Curation then you're getting left in the dark.

Here's What Viral Curation Can Do For You

What Our Customers Have To Say

Viral Curation searches the web and social media posts, harvests the content and feeds them into an A.I. brain.

I'm talking about billions of pieces of content.

And as you use Viral Curation, the A.I. brain analyzes your content and gets smarter and smarter, as it learns how you use content.

This is perfect for anyone who wants to monetize their blog or website.

One blog post or website page could be worth thousands of dollars.

Why let Google and Facebook make all the money?

When you can write fresh, viral content faster than a sly smile.

Facebook to Pay Content Creators $1 Billion

Facebook is now starting a program to pay people for viral content on their timeline. Using Viral Curation gives you a boost over everyone else.

Your greed glands should be getting excited by now.

And since you've read this far down the page.

And you know how Viral Curation can save you hours of time…

…and end writer's block.

Plus find content Facebook and Google will fall over backwards to share.

You have two options…

Option #1: Do nothing and stay hunched over your laptop, rack your brain with new writing ideas and retire each night with achy hands and fatigue.

If you have enough content and are not worried about Facebook post views.

...or exploding your blog income or sending server-melting traffic to your website…

…then you don't need Viral Curation.

But if you want the quickest and easiest way to create content and find viral content to share, then you have the option below.

Option #2. Kick start your business, blog or Facebook group with one simple action.

There are two ways to sign up for Viral Curation.

The Cheap Date: You have no idea if you even like the person you're on the date with. You don't want to take them to the fanciest restaurant in town (yet). Yet you want to get to know them better.

Use Viral Curation For 30 Days For Just 10 Cents a Day

That's right, for less than a cup of coffee at any coffee shop you can get more content and traffic with less effort.

Supported Platforms:


If you’re ready to watch waves of traffic overwhelm your server. (The Dogington Post actually crashed its server when 57,000 visits a minute came in response to a viral post)

As thousands share your Facebook posts and blog articles, then you’re my kind of client.

We know you’ll be here for the long haul.

And it starts right here and now.


If you’ve read this far, you must be serious about viral traffic. I know we are. Viral Content + Traffic = Money.

I know some people sell software that uses A.I. to automatically generate website content, but sooner or later Google is going to catch on and ban your site.

They will also ban you from AdSense for life.

Someone recently showed me 400 sites they built automatically using spammy software.

They were stripped of their Adsense account.

Is it worth the risk when an ethical solution is available?

We know one thing, we are in this for the long haul. This is software that will be updated regularly – and you’ll never need to download anything because it’s automatically updated on our server.

You’re always using the latest version!

See you on the inside.


Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Yes! Viral Curation is a web-based app. It will work both on Mac and PC and with most mobile devices.

Yes! Actually, you don't need to install any plugins that could break WordPress.

We're not here for the people who buy, don't use, and then refund in 30 days. Sorry, this isn't for you. There are no refunds for your purchase.

It's like a car. Once you take it out of the showroom it's yours. However, unlike a car, you can discontinue use and stop future payments.

Yes! You will have access to our support desk and instructions (videos and pdf).

There are no upsells! Everything is built right in the software and it's only going to get better as we add more and more features.

You can use this software if you are on a Mac or a PC.


You can use this software from a desktop, laptop, or tablet.