AI-training for real business metrics,
not completion rates

Empower your teams to perform at their peak—whether that's
, , or

Current: 12%Target: 15%

AI Assistant instantly helps your team

Lessons with AI-learning assistants trained on your company knowledge transform "training" into a personalized answers on how to reach business goals.

Ask something to get interactive answers with visual explanation

How it works

Create KPI-Driven Courses with Company Knowledge in 15 minutes

Set your company goal and KPIs. Add your PDFs, guidelines, policies or MP4 Zoom calls and convert them into interactive courses with quizzes, assignments and interactions to move the needle on that metric.

Empower Team with AI Assistant

Students can talk to an AI assistant trained on your content, get personalized assistance to reach business goals, and exceed traditional course expectations.

Monitor Real-Time Insights over KPIs

View completion rates, missing skils, scores, and how each team member's progress impacts the overall KPI—live on one dashboard.

Optimize Courses through Student Engagement

AI analyzes in real-time students' questions, new sources, and discoveries, and sends you smart suggestions on how to improve courses. Apply them in 1 click.

Launch your online-academy tonight

Get your own branded website with AI and collect infinite insights about your team

Beyond human capabilities, beyond expectations

We enable educational institutions to deliver greater value for students beyond human capabilities. Realtime AI engagement changes courses toward students real goals, interests and pains.

Join 70,000+ students, 400+ institutions from 40+ countries

Boost Your ROI with Features


Save $3,000 per course

Build a complete course in just 15 minutes instead of spending 30 hours or 1.5 months of work by your content agency or learning designer.


Save $2,000 per year on Q&A or mentoring

Offer learners real-time Q&A and tailored modules—cutting repeated instructor Q&A. Benefit from rapid speed, 24/7 availability, and manual updates, eliminating the need for extensive hand-holding, unlocking an additional.


2x engagement into KPI

Employees see how each lesson, quiz, or assignment directly affects the bigger company goal—instantly transforming "mandatory training" into a targeted mission.

Progress tracking

40% higher engagement

Weekly updates keep managers informed on team progress, while personalized reinforcement identifies high-impact focus areas for each learner. Clear roadmaps connect daily lessons to measurable gains, boosting completion rates.

Skills assessments and Career matching

Reduce turnover by 25%

Empower employees with personalized career insights, lowering turnover by up to 25%. If replacing a single role costs approximately $5k, scaling that improvement across multiple teams yields major savings and boosts overall engagement.

Calculate your Annual ROI




Total Savings


Optimized Budget

Optimized budget with Unschooler


Predicted budget

Time saving
Q&A and Mentoring
Career & Upskilling

Try Unschooler for free

Help your team go beyond expectations. Book a 15-minute demo and get a 30-day free trial ↓