Stop searching,
start asking.

Get instant answers from trusted company info and all the connected apps, right where you need them.

Answers from all your sources, right where you need them.

Connect all your apps.

Slite connects your knowledge base with the external sources of your choice so you can find any answer you know is there somewhere - faster.


Trust without second-guessing.

Filter the sources to make sure that you can trust the answers with verified docs.

Stay in your workflow.

Use Chrome extension to get all the answers you need without leaving your browser.

No more unanswered questions in Slack.

Get all the answers right where you work, in an instant. Slite listens to the conversations in your Slack channels and automatically answers them straightaway, even without being triggered.

Get instant answers to any questions.

Generating answers in seconds

Illustration Company wiki

“No result matches your search” is not an answer. Yet, the info lives somewhere in your knowledge base. Our AI-powered assistant will surface the info and cross-check your sources to give the accurate answer, in an instant.

How it works

See Ask in action on Slite Help Center.

Want a taste of the power of Ask? Here is our Help Center in Slite —take some hints and ask a question on how to use Slite.
Ask feature hand logo
May I get a discount?
Ask feature hand logo
How do I create templates?
Ask feature hand logo
Do you have databases?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I import Google Docs?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I export a csv?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I get a backup every week?
Ask feature hand logo
May I get a discount?
Ask feature hand logo
How do I create templates?
Ask feature hand logo
Do you have databases?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I export a csv?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I get a backup every week?
Ask feature hand logo
How to run a meeting?
Ask feature hand logo
May I get a discount?
Ask feature hand logo
How do I create templates?
Ask feature hand logo
Do you have databases?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I export a csv?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I get a backup every week?
Ask feature hand logo
How to run a meeting?
Ask feature hand logo
Where are you hosting the content?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I use Slite solo?
Ask feature hand logo
Do you integrate with the Gdrive?
Ask feature hand logo
How to make decisions in team?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I sketch in Slite?
Ask feature hand logo
What is the best way to use Slite?
Ask feature hand logo
Where are you hosting the content?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I use Slite solo?
Ask feature hand logo
Do you integrate with the Gdrive?
Ask feature hand logo
How to make decisions in team?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I sketch in Slite?
Ask feature hand logo
What is the best way to use Slite?
Ask feature hand logo
Where are you hosting the content?
Ask feature hand logo
What are the advantages of Ask feature?
Ask feature hand logo
Can documents be verified?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I sketch in Slite?
Ask feature hand logo
What is the best way to use Slite?
Ask feature hand logo
How does the Slite editor work?
Ask feature hand logo
Do you have integration with Linear?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I annotate an image?
Ask feature hand logo
What’s the Slite pricing plan for a 50-person team?
Ask feature hand logo
How does the notification system work?
Ask feature hand logo
How does the Slite editor work?
Ask feature hand logo
Is the search fast?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I annotate an image?
Ask feature hand logo
What’s the Slite pricing plan for a 50-person team?
Ask feature hand logo
How does the notification system work?
Ask feature hand logo
How does the Slite editor work?
Ask feature hand logo
Is the search fast?
Ask feature hand logo
Can I annotate an image?
Ask feature hand logo
What’s the Slite pricing plan for a 50-person team?
Ask feature hand logo
How does the notification system work?
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Secured and trusted

We get it - your team knowledge is your biggest asset so we take it very seriously. That's why we train AI model only on your data, no one else's.

Based on your access only

Just like a regular search, Ask accesses only those docs you can view, filtering team workspace content by your permissions.

Identifies the gap

Ask not only answers questions but also highlights knowledge gaps. If an answer seems wrong or outdated, check the sources to update any missing information.

Easy to digest

For better answers, add details and request formats like bullet points or newbie explanations to tailor and simplify information.

Gives you hints

We've got you covered even when you're not sure how to start asking your question. Type a keyword, and we'll suggest questions based on your team's content.

Speaks your language

Ask supports multiple languages - ask in any, and it will respond and translate relevant content accordingly.

Bring your team on the same page.
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